
INFOMATO was featured in the World Journal's (世界日報, a widely circulated news paper in the US Chinese community). The article entitled " INFOMATO Enters (human) Memory Market" was reported in the Silicon Valley Technology of local news section on October 2, 2008.

INFOMATO founder featured on Wordjournal news
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(Highlights, translation in English)

創辦人 創辦人羅濟偉來自台灣 記憶資料庫新型資料結構程式處理方法研究獲美國專利 轉載自 記者吳日君 (矽谷1日報導)

" INFOMATO Enters (human) Memory Market"

During college the founder of INFOMATO, Wayne Lo, was awarded the Young Inventor Award by the Taiwan government's Ministry of Education for the invention of a mechanical binary lock. He recently was granted for a US patent for the invention of new database data structure for processing (human) memory using database software. He pointed out that in the era of the Internet and information explosion, knowing how to deal with unstructured information is essential. His invention helps people search, organize and remember the unstructured information they encountered in every day life. Several years ago Wayne Lo left Applied Materials and founded INFOMATO. He received angel funding from the business owners of the Bertie Biotech Enterprise, the Edom Technology, and the Yangtec Electronics Corp. in Taiwan ...

Thank to the Internet information spreads easily. But the inforamtion also place upon us a huge burden to memorize and organize the information we received every day. INFOMATO software helps people remember the nitty-gritty of this huge body of information. It is like having a personal secretary. The software assists people in managing and memorizing their information. INFOMATO 's target customers are corporate managers and engineers...

Wayne has a strong technical background and has received numerous awards for his US patents. He left the big corporate "safe haven" to be an entrepreneur. He knows each of us has different goals in life. Personally, dreaming about having a big house is not part of his goal...

Slicon Valley is the focal point of the world's venture capital. It has a great entrepreneurship infrastructure and supportive communities. It will be a waste if not ever be part of the actions. Even thought facing a great uncertainty, he is willing to give his best shot to develop a useful product for the market.

(Original article in Chinese)

創辦人羅濟偉來自台灣 記憶資料庫新型資料結構程式處理方法研究獲美國專利 轉載自 記者吳日君 (矽谷1日報導)

學生時期就喜歡發明,曾以機械數位鎖發明獲中華民國教育部全國青年研究發明獎的矽谷初創公司蕃茄資訊(Infomato)創辦人羅濟偉(Wayne Lo),所做有關記憶資料庫處理的新型資料結構程式處理方法研究,近來獲得美國專利許可。他表示,在網路盛行與資料爆炸的現代,處理無結構化的資料更顯重要,有助於使用者尋找、整理和進一步記憶。 幾年前離開應用材料,羅濟偉創辦蕃茄資訊,主要來自柏諦生化企業、益登科技、川陽電子等台灣地區的天使資金。公司主要研發資訊軟體來協肋人類處理記憶上的問題。 他指出,根據IDC市場研究機構資料,全球有80%資料無結構化。美國白領階級工作者平均有75%時間用在搜尋資訊、50%時間花在不成功搜尋或是處理資料,只有25%搜尋的資訊可真正派上用場。 電腦網路化之後,資訊容易傳播與尋找,但造成的資料負荷大,難以記憶管理。資料管理軟體記憶細節,類似秘書角色,有助於將資料細節進行管理記憶。蕃茄資訊客戶目標群為一般公司經理人與工程師,產品已臻進入市場階段,目前進行網路試用經驗分享。現以英文版為主,未來可能會有中文版本。 羅濟偉淡江大學應用物理系畢業後來美深造、取得河濱加大(University of California—Riverside)物理學博士。論文研究進行在Brookhaven國家實驗室。博士後研究在康乃爾大學應用與工程物理系研究有關奈米(nano-technology)、電子光學晶片製板(electron beamlithography)和電腦模擬 (Monte Carlo Simulation)電子在感光和材料上的反應與應用,操作實驗於康乃爾奈米實驗室(Cornel Nanofabrication Facility)。 他先後任職於美國Schlumberger Technologies、應用材料公司,負責電子光學半導體檢視儀器研發。擁有美國14項專利,在電子光學的一項突破性發明,曾被美國1家主要半導體儀器製造商採用,作為下一代的電子光學半導體生產檢視儀器。 學生時代就喜歡發明創造的羅濟偉,在大學時期的第一項發明「100%純機械式、數位、卡片密碼門鎖」曾於1984年榮獲中華民國教育部青年研究發明獎、技術發明類競賽類最高獎,並在1986取得美國專利、隨後取得日本專利。 技術背景出身、擁有多項專利、在不惑之年離開大公司出來創業的羅濟偉說,人各有志,個人理想不是要住好房子,創業後,自己的生活方式沒有改變很多。 他認為,在產業界10多年,雖然接觸新技術,但領域太窄,突破天花板很難。矽谷是全球創業聚焦,有好的創業結構,有完整社群創業鏈,如果沒出來創業很可惜,看不到創業結構,也願意放手一試,研發有用產品給市場。  2008-10-02