


Dr. Z. W. Chen, the President (總裁)of Hermes Microvision (USA) , 位於美國加州Milpitas市


原文:"I use INFOMATO to organize meeting notes, emails and reports. I need to coordinate business strategy, lead technology development, resolve issues at customers’ sites and identify business opportunities for new technologies. All these data are very interrelated and hard to organize. For example an issue at a customer site may initiate an engineering project that may further stimulate the needs of market research/development. Organizing those emails, meeting notes and reports from customers and engineers is a very challenging task; it demands a lot of my precious time, effort and memory. INFOMATO Magic Folders organizes my personal objective just like having a smart personal secretary. It dynamically shows me the organization that fits my instant interests so I can find the information quickly and have a clear overall view of my information. It also let me manage my data easily without going through the pain of knowing how to organize and reorganize my conventional folders. Now I save my files in one Windows folder monthly and use INFOMATO Magic Folder to organize the complex relationships between them."

Dr. J. S. Luo, 日立全球儲存科技的資深工程師(Sr. Technical Member of Hitachi Global Storage Technologies),位於 美國加州聖何西市(San Jose).


原文:"As a senior technical number at Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc, I found INFOMATO a marvelous PC tool.

I have more than 20,000 folders and 200,000 files in my database containing countless experimental measurements. Before the time of INFOMATO, even the Windows search engine got lost in the folder tree or folder forest numerous times. Even if I managed to find the right folder, it is very slow, painful, and inefficient.

To test out how good INFOMATO is, I ran, many times, INFOMATO and Windows-Search side by side. It took typical INFOMATO a minute or less for locating a folder while returned nothing in 10 min from Windows. It is tremendous time and life saving tool for me.

I also like INFOMATO Note Book a lot for organizing experimental information and the follow-up's. I used to organize the info in a spread sheet file buried in the fold tree. The Note Book is much much better and effective. In addition, it takes no learning curve and is very user friendly.

I am relatively new for INFOMATO and I use the tool mostly at work. I can see myself migrating the tool for organizing the personal info at home soon."

Blogger JoJo紫蜻蜓

The original in Chinese:
"我是JoJo紫蜻蜓,我非常喜歡寫部落格, 因為在此我可以跟大家分享我喜歡的戲劇,音樂,文章及影視歌星的動態等. 當我看到部落格的訪客增加及格友的回應時, 心中的那種喜悅是無法比擬的, 這會讓我更積極的想在部落格裡發表我所喜歡的一切. 當我部落格的話題越來越多時,資料與資料之間的關係也漸漸地變的複雜起來了,接著我的煩惱也一個一個出現了使我不知從何整理起,起先我是使用電腦上的Notepad(筆記本)來記錄,問題是檔案太多了,檔案與話題之間的關係又錯踪複雜,只能記在腦子裡,對我而言是一個大負擔,這時蕃茄神奇檔案夾幫了我一個大忙,它使我可以輕鬆的就找到我所想要找的資料, 因此它可根據話題來即時分類,所以我可以很快的就存取我想要找的資料.".

Engineer G. Goichon, 法裔工程師,現居西班牙 Tudela市.


太陽能安裝計畫是具有許多不同的元件,就跟大多數的我們一樣,我將所有跟計畫有關的檔案放在單一資料夾,例如:估價單、客戶名單、採購單、客戶資料、 供應商、工程文件、 制圖、 行政法律文件、 表格,保險, 銀行帳戶等。可以確信的是我總是忘記資料是放在哪裡,到了最後,經過更多計畫的累積,你自然就會迷失在這有如茫茫大海的資料夾群組之中。


原文:"I am Guillaume, working for a small solar company in Spain. The “Solar” industry is becoming big. Even though we are pretty new in this industry, we already have plenty of solar panels installation going on.  We’d rather be organized from the beginning, so we can keep track of the high demand and survive in this market.

 A solar installation project has many different components. As most of us, I put everything related to that project in a single folder, such as: Quotations, contracts, PO’s, clients’ information, vendors’ information, technical documentation, drawings, administrative and legal documentation, maintenance forms, insurance policy, bank information…I am pretty sure I forgot even more stuffs to put in! At the end, after accumulating a few more projects, you naturally get lost:

“In what project, did I use this specific vendor?”…” I remember, I had a great Excel form I made myself a while ago, to deal with this unique situation…Where is it now that I need it the most?”…It became very quickly very painful for me to find a piece of useful information in this nightmare of folders and files.

Infomato helped me to organize my projects and to find quickly the right piece of information I need at the right moment. It’s really neat! You enter the general topic you are looking for, and Infomato brings up all folders and files related to it, from the inner and deeper of all projects…It’s like a “dynamic tree”. It rearranges instantly all your stuffs according to your request, giving you a very convenient new vision, and allowing you to find right away that “famous” document you were looking for."

Dr. T. Sheu, 牙科醫生 (dental M.D), 位於 美國加州Cupertino市.



原文:"I am a dentist, and I thank you for creating Infomato. I have a busy practice and schedule. Infomato has made my life easier and simpler. My stored files are easier to find and  become meaningful to me. You know how often a file became misplaced inside your PC under confusing long list of subfolders. The most frustrating thing for me is that I could not remember the file name or its location after time. Can you imaging the time wasted and disappointment?

Recently I was conducting clinical trial research. There were emails, research papers, and web searches. Infomato has first time given me an easy, non-frustrating way of locating, establishing relationship, and categorizing data and files with minimal thinking and keystrokes. If I can do things with minimal thinking and keystrokes, I take it anytime. This is what Infomato does for me. "

計師(CPA) 徐兆民, 民輿會計師事務所老闆, 位於台灣台北市基隆路

在台灣從事「會計師」業務已逾二十年了, 我的顧客常會徵求我在該公司在業務或管理改變時,希望能提供在會計、稅務法律相關上的意見。這些資料散見於各專業之書籍與雜誌,大都為訂本式,加上法令常有增加、修改或作廢,另外多之牛毛的解釋令及行政救濟及法院判決之案例,致使整理起來很困擾,所以在時間(即法律適用的時間)與空間(即法律從屬關係)缺乏架構性;而且必須針對每位顧客不同的角度和情況而變換,所以造成了很大的記憶負荷。

二十年前開始學習Dbase Ⅲ,等稍加了解資料庫時,曾自行想研發如此一套專家系統,來解決這種問題,畢竟成效有限,最後只好放棄了,苦思為何資料庫多角度的搜索能力無法處理這個問題。

所以當我第一次看到INFOMATO時,我便很快地領悟它的功能和目的, 正是我多年來想找的解決方案。和羅博士討論後,才知道癥結在傳統資料庫只適合處理有結構化的資料,而我的需求是要處理橫貫多領域的商業問題,所以架構非常地複雜。目前我正在使用INFOMATO®的科技,並與愛子合作,開發一套稅務專家系統,也使用 INFOMATO 網路版展示在我的部落格:


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